Tips to Reduce Your Heating Bill

Noticing your Heating Bill is shooting through the roof? We have 5 Tips to Reduce Your Heating Bill to help you out throughout the long winters.

  1. Turn down the heat.  We recommend setting your thermostat to 68 degrees.  Every degree you lower your thermostat can mean up to  5% reduction in heating costs. Grab a sweatshirt or sweater, health permitting. Also consider a programmable thermostat that you can turn down at night and while you are out and about during the day. The savings will really add up.
  2. Get a check up for your equipment. Just as you would go to the doctor for a check up or take your car for a tune up and oil change, your Furnace and Air Conditioner are important pieces of equipment that require attention.  Proper tune ups include filter changes–which ensure clean air flowing through your home. Dirty, clogged filters require your system to run longer and work harder, costing you more money. Proper lubrication and adjustments also will reduce heating costs. Some companies, such as Alpine, offer Service Contracts with  Winter and Spring Pre Season inspections, plus coverage and priority service if your equipment breaks down.
  3. Stop the leaks. Cold air drafting in means dollars floating out. Check leaks around doors and windows, pipes, vents and other gaps and use caulk or other appropriate material to seal leaks keeping cold air out and warm air in.
  4. Reduce hot water temperature. By setting your hot water heater to  “normal” or 120-degrees Fahrenheit (unless appliances like your dishwasher require a higher setting), you can save some green. We also suggest insulating the first 5 feet of pipe coming out of the top of your water heater. Pipe insulation is available at most hardware stores.
  5. Out with the old. Consider replacing old gas (an electric) appliances with ENERGY STAR ® products. ENERGY STAR ® furnaces that have an annual fuel efficient rating (AFUE) of 90% or higher are 15% more energy efficient than standard models. This directly translates to savings on your gas bills. Many newer models also have technology such as variable speed motors that regulate fan run times, making equipment more efficient and keeping your house consistently warmer.  Strongly consider replacing your hot water heater if it is over 12 years old as well.